01 Apr Pupils Design Breakfast Club Posters
The Town Foundation is in need of a poster to help promote its ‘Early Kick-Off’ Breakfast Clubs across the region – and who better to design it than the children that benefit!
The registered charity has asked attendees of its existing breakfast clubs at schools across the region to design a poster demonstrating what they like about the ‘Early Kick-Off’ project, which provides them with a free healthy and nutritious meal to start their school day.
The entries have been flooding in ever since, which will make it very difficult for Foundation Trustee Caroline Lee to judge and pick a winner when the schools return from their Easter break next week!
The Town Foundation’s Corporate Fundraising Officer Mandy Taylor commented:
“We’re delighted with the number of entries we’ve had from pupils – the standard has been really high.
“It’s going to be very difficult to select a winner next week, but when we do we will invite the winner and their family to a Huddersfield Town game next season.
“We will also use the winning poster to promote the launch of new breakfast clubs across the region going forward.â€
For more information about the ‘Early Kick-Off’ Breakfast Clubs and the Town Foundation, click HERE. To make a donation, please visitwww.justgiving.com/HuddersfieldTownFoundation