23 Jan Defender Visits Breakfast Club To Review Reading Diaries
Huddersfield Town defender Tommy Smith had an early wakeup call this week when he joined the Town Foundation to review the complimentary Reading Diaries provided to Ashbrow Infants and Juniors!
Tommy joined Mandy Taylor and Andy Booth from the Club and Brian Pinder of Caterers Choice and charity supporter Louise Woollard LLP at the school’s Early Kick-Off Breakfast Club.Â
The young defender, who has impressed since his debut at Sheffield Wednesday late last year, encouraged the pupils to show him their Town Foundation Spring Term Reading Diaries and spoke to the children about their studies. The educational diaries, which are designed by Kid Premiership, have been kindly printed by charity supporter Igloo Books.
Head Teacher at Ashbrow, Dora Plant said: “I was hugely impressed by Tommy and his eagerness to interact with the children; he was wonderful and the kids really liked him. We are lucky to have been able to introduce such a good role model to the children.â€
Every term 15,000 Reading Diaries are delivered to up to 70 schools in the community, which has in the past proven challenging. However, thanks to Victoria Ward a Business Connecter for BITC, the diaries were delivered speedily and effectively!
Victoria said: “When Mandy asked me for help with finding a courier firm to deliver the reading diaries, I contacted Jenny Frear at the Council’s Procurement Department to ask if there were any suppliers delivering to schools who wouldn’t mind taking a few extra boxes. I didn’t expect Jenny’s response to be that they could be sent in the Council’s own internal mail – but it made perfect sense. Kirklees Document Solutions couldn’t have been more helpful on the day we labelled all the boxes, providing us with facilities and support to do it in addition to the help they had already agreed to provide. Â
“I am delighted with the outcome, and hope this becomes an ongoing relationship.  As a Business Connector, my work here is done – Mandy Taylor has the contact she needs, the Charity has benefitted, Kirklees Document Solutions have provided some support without incurring additional costs, and 15,000 lucky children will receive a new reading diary next term.”